Norman Paskin
The International DOI Foundation
PO Box 233
Kidlington, Oxford
Tel: (+44) 1865 843798
Fax: (+44) 1865 843446
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Dr. Norman Paskin became the first Director
of The International DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Foundation
in March 1998. Prior to this he worked for twenty years in the
scientific publishing industry in both the U.S. and Europe, in
roles including editorial, management, and information technology
development. He was actively involved in information identifiers
issues for the scientific technical and medical publishing community,
and has published several papers on this and related topics.
The International DOI Foundation ( was established in 1998
to support the needs of the intellectual property community in the digital
environment. The Foundation is supported by member organisations from a broad
spread of interests such as technology companies, professional publishers.
Norman has led the DOI Foundation in its development of the DOI as a standardised
identifier for the intellectual property communities (including text, music,
images, and multimedia), which can work with existing identifiers and internet
technology. He is actively involved with a range of related standards activities
developments, and is responsible for the appointment of service providers for
the efficient operation of the technology and business activities of the DOI
system, and in engaging Foundation members in active involvement in defining
policies and solutions. |