PPT Slide
Complete, fancy-format huml definitions (sample)
<!-- End Human Physical Characteristics -->
<!-- Begin Communication Modes and Constraints -->
<xs:complexType name="Kinesic" abstract="true">
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
Communicational Kinesics constitute some vocabulary of body language
used to portray moods and emotions and to add emphasis to verbal
communication. As a study concerned with how bodily and facial gestures
function as a factor in communication, kinesics is fairly well understood.
For our purposes we expect enumeration of body language
gestures to be included in culture-specific subsets.
<xs:attributeGroup ref="humlCommAtts"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="humlTemporalAtts"/>
<xs:attribute ref="intensity"/>
This is what a HumanML tag definition looks like.
Kinesics is for tagging manner of motion, as in the way you walk.
Kinesics contrasts with Proxemics, closeness of interlocutors and other objects in the communication situation.
Haptics is distinguished from these; it is what happens in physical TOUCH. What happens to it in Remote Communication by Computer?