CIDOC Guidelines for Museum Object Information: Reproduction Rights Information Group

This page is part of the International Guidelines for Museum Object Information: The CIDOC Information Categories: a description of the Information Categories that can be used when developing records about the objects in museum collections. For an outline of the Information Groups and Categories in the Guidelines, turn to the introductory list.

Reproduction Rights Information Group


Reproduction rights information supports Accountability and Access. The recording of this information ensures that a museum is in a position to ensure that intellectual, reproduction, and usage rights relating to the object are protected.

Information categories:

Reproduction rights note
Reproduction rights owner


Reproduction rights note: Restrictions apply to UK use only
Reproduction rights owner: Wellcome Trust


Reproduction rights note


A description of the nature of the Reproduction rights which are owned and the restrictions of use of the object which apply.


Not-for-profit reproduction permitted but only after confirmation with owner.


Move to beginning of Reproduction rights

Reproduction rights owner

Alternate names:

Copyright holder


The person, organization, or group of people who own the reproduction or other rights of use to the object.


National Gallery of Art, London


Move to beginning of Reproduction rights

Move to outline of the Information Groups and Categories or the next section of the Guidelines, Subject depicted

file: guiderep.htm; author: CIDOC; updated June 1995