CIDOC Guidelines for Museum Object Information: Institution Information Group

This page is part of the International Guidelines for Museum Object Information: The CIDOC Information Categories: a description of the Information Categories that can be used when developing records about the objects in museum collections. For an outline of the Information Groups and Categories in the Guidelines, turn to the introductory list.

Institution Information Group


This information primarily supports Accountability, and Access. It is essential when exchanging object information with other institutions as it provides a location for the documentation of an object, and in many cases for the object itself.

Information categories:

Institution name
Institution sub body
Institution address
Institution country


Institution name: Smithsonian Institution
Institution sub body: National Museum of American History
Institution sub-body: Department of Social and Cultural History
Institution sub-body: Division of Domestic Life
Institution address: 12th Street at Constitution Avenue, Washington DC 20560
Institution country: United States of America


Institution name

Alternate names:

Organization name
Body name
Custodian name


The identifying name of the institution legally responsible for the object and its documentation.


Smithsonian Institution


Move to beginning of Institution

Institution sub body

Alternate names:

Organization sub body name
Department name
Sub body name
Custodian sub body name


The identifying name of the sub body of an institution legally responsible for the object and its documentation.


National Museum of American History


Move to beginning of Institution

Institution address

Alternate names:

Organization address


The address of the institution legally responsible for an object and its documentation.


South Kensington, London SW7 2RL, United Kingdom

Move to beginning of Institution

Institution country


The country of the institution legally responsible responsible for an object and its documentation.


Brazil Norway


Move to beginning of Institution

Move to outline of the Information Groups and Categories or the next section of the Guidelines, Location

file: guideins.htm; author: CIDOC; updated June 1995