CIDOC Guidelines for Museum Object Information: Description Information Group

This page is part of the International Guidelines for Museum Object Information: The CIDOC Information Categories: a description of the Information Categories that can be used when developing records about the objects in museum collections. For an outline of the Information Groups and Categories in the Guidelines, turn to the introductory list.

Description Information Group


This information supports Security, Accountability, Access, and an Historic archive. In the absence of an image it provides a detailed description of an object and a retrieval facility which would not be available using an image alone. Description information can be used for a variety of purposes, including research, handlists, exhibitions, and publications.

Information categories:

Physical description
Specimen status


Physical description: 1.25 cm in length; pale blue with small darker blue markings evenly spread.
Specimen status : type


Physical description


A description of the general visual appearance of the object.


A cabinet, marquetry of satinwood, rosewood and other woods and of marble intarsia panels with mounts of gilt brass. In front between four engaged pilasters of wood composition, with beading and Doric capitals of brass, a set of eleven panels of marble intarsia.


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Specimen status


The type status of a natural science specimen.




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Move to outline of the Information Groups and Categories or the next section of the Guidelines, Image

file: guidedes.htm; author: CIDOC; updated June 1995