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Agenda of the 15th SIG meeting and the 10th FRBR -CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting

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15th CIDOC SIG meeting and the 10th FRBR -CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting

Meeting Date:

9 – 12 July 2007

Meeting Place:

National e-Science Centre
e-Science Institute
15 South College Street
Edinburgh EH8 9AA
United Kingdom
Tel: 0131 650 9833
Fax: 0131 650 9819

Meeting Site:

National e-Science Centre

Organized By:

 Dr Matthew Stiff

The meeting comprises the following events:

  1. FRBRoo meeting, July 9th
  2. CIDOC CRM meeting, July 10th -11th
  3. CRM Tutorial,  morning July 12th
  4. Collaboration with MDA, EH, CEH afternoon July 12th

Draft  Agenda

Monday 9th of July 2007 FRBR

9.30 – 11:00


  1. Revise F53 Recording work, F55 Recording event and F56 Recording and their relations (proposal by Mika Nyman)
  2. Analyze the metadata of a typical recording (proposal by IRCAM??)
  3. Revise the link “reflects” between F50 ->F56 (proposal by Max Jacob)
  4. Change the scope note and revise the examples of F48 (proposal by Patrick Le Boeuf)
  5. Rewrite the scope note of F51 to incorporate music and other kind of performances (proposal by Stephen Stead)
  6. Discuss scope note of F50 (proposal by Guillaume Boutard )
  7. Revise the scope note of F54 “container work” (proposal by Martin Doerr)
  8. Check the added value chain paradigm(proposal by Max Jacob).


Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:00


  1. practical scope of FRBR (proposal by Maja Zumer)
  2. check manifestation (proposal by Alain Renear)
  3. revise examples for R40 (proposal  Patrick Le Boeuf)
  4. add examples for a citation and an anthology to R63 (proposal  Patrick Le Boeuf)
  5. Revise the directions of all links (proposal by Chryssoula Bekiari)


Lunch Break



  1. simplified XML format of FRBRoo (proposal by Trond Aalberg and Martin Doerr)
  2. FRBR core


Summarizing and closing the discussion

Tuesday 10th of July 2007 CIDOC - CRM

9.30 – 11:00


  1. Issue id    54 : Create a list of FAQs
  2. Issue id 126 : Explanation of Allen Operators
  3. Issue id 129: Define a comprehensive list of training materials
  4. Issue id 130: FAQ required to deal with availability of the standard
  5. Issue id 132: Rewrite scope note of E51 Contact Point (proposal by Martin Doerr)
  6. Issue id 133: Rewrite scope note of E54 Dimension
  7. Issue id 134: Change scope note of E3 Condition State
  8. Issue id 135: Change scope note of E4 Period
  9. Issue id 136: Change the phrase "This property describes..."
  10. Issue id 137: Change example of P1 is identified by (identifies)
  11. Issue id 138: Change example of P3 has note
  12. Issue id 139: Change the example of property P5 consists of (forms part of)
  13. Issue id 142: "P69 is associated with" can be used to describe sequences of procedures


Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:00


  1. Issue id 144: P16 used specific object (was used for) in R26 used constituent(was used in)
  2. Issue id 147: Check if there is a need for a generalized class to identify usage (proposal by Martin Doerr)


Lunch Break



  1. Issue id 145: "shows how to realise" a plan
  2. Issue id 152: Generalization of E30 Right


Coffee Break


Issues to discuss:

  1. Intermediate class between Conceptual Object and Information Object (proposal by Patrick Le Boeuf)
  2. Appellation as a subclass of String (proposal by Patrick Le Boeuf)
  3. A model for constructing appellations (proposal by Patrick Le Boeuf)

17:00 – 17:30

Summarizing and closing the discussion

Wednesday 11th of July 2007 CIDOC - CRM

9.30 – 11:00


  1. Issue id 149: Family relations and authorities (proposal by Richard Smiraglia)
  2. Issue id 153: Activity without products


Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:00

Issue id 148: How to model digital image taking or digital recording and digital preservation (proposal by Martin Doerr, Maria Theodoridou)


Lunch Break



  1. Issue id 146: Property P139 has alternative form should have its own "has type" property
  2. Issue id 150: The scope note of E33
  3. Issue id 151: Specialization of "P1 is identified by" for E75 Conceptual Object Appellation
  4. Issue id 154: Curation Event (proposal by Martin Doerr)


Summarizing and closing the discussion

Thursday 12th of July 2007 CIDOC - CRM

9.30 – 12:30

Tutorial CRM - discussion


Lunch Break


Action plans on collaboration with MDA, EH and CEH. Details will follow


Summarizing and closing the discussion


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Last Updated: 05-06-2007